A discussion of the industry, some of my driving music recommendations, vibration and energy, ESA time to collect and resolution, announcements, certified energy managers and Association of Energy Engineers, a…
Steps towards the research project relating vibration and motion amplification to electrical signature analysis and energy consumption - and unprepared. Should be fun! https://youtu.be/fRauc-VcVxs
Abstract: The link between vibration analysis findings and energy consumption is complex. In this paper we will start the work to evaluate some of the basics in a study funded…
A review of compressed air systems including electric motor loading issues and air leak calculations. References the application of US Department of Energy air leak charts and the use of…
A live exploration of the coming soon version of EMPATH ESA and Vibration data collector and software. Includes the built-in energy and emissions calculators BY DEFECT including harmonic losses. Yep,…
In this episode the MotorDoc discusses energy and emissions found in field studies, a few transformer adventures with ESA (and related losses), and then reads a few ChatGPT generated posts…
A quick first-time use of the EMPATH ESA and Vibration data collector on a 3/4 hp electric motor and VFD. Review of upcoming field study of vibration versus ESA and…
Not something we heavily advertised, but needed for a study we are performing at MotorDocAI associated with energy and emissions in reliability and maintenance. Welcome to my first ever online…
Abstract—During field studies of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) and Singly-Fed Induction Generators (SFIG) transformer and generator failures several unusual conditions were detected. A combination of subsynchronous control interaction, sub-synchronous torsionalinteraction,…