MotorDoc Podcast Episode 7 Unboxing EMPATH with Vibration Analysis System

MotorDoc Podcast Episode 7 Unboxing EMPATH with Vibration Analysis System

Not something we heavily advertised, but needed for a study we are performing at MotorDocAI associated with energy and emissions in reliability and maintenance. Welcome to my first ever online…

Evaluation of Wind Turbine Generators and Transformers 2022 Paper

Abstract—During field studies of Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) and Singly-Fed Induction Generators (SFIG) transformer and generator failures several unusual conditions were detected. A combination of subsynchronous control interaction, sub-synchronous torsionalinteraction,…
Energy and Emissions for Reliability and Maintenance Podcast 1

Energy and Emissions for Reliability and Maintenance Podcast 1

September 17, 2021 initial podcast on using energy and emissions as part of your reliability and maintenance KPI. Discussion of the history and overview of what will be coming. The…
MotorDocAI EMPATH Energy and Emissions Estimation Software Alpha

MotorDocAI EMPATH Energy and Emissions Estimation Software Alpha

MotorDocAI Energy and Emissions Alpha version 0.1 (desktop only) is available for MS Windows and is designed to work with Channel 11 (kilowatt) data from either EMPATH and ECMS collected…
Introducing MotorDocAI ECMS Energy Dashboards

Introducing MotorDocAI ECMS Energy Dashboards

The combination of EMPATH ECMS-E1 and ECMS-32 energy and analytics data combined with the power of MotorDocAI artificial intelligence provides a deep dive into your energy consumption and impacts of…
Case Study Installation of Onics Ground and Neutral Filters and Energy Analysis with EMPATH During Installation

Case Study Installation of Onics Ground and Neutral Filters and Energy Analysis with EMPATH During Installation

With the increase of nonlinear loads in commercial and industrial facilities an increase in current flow and resulting kilowatt losses in grounds and neutrals are on the rise.  These generate…
New MotorDoc EMPATH Energy and AI Dashboard to be Released April 4 2023

New MotorDoc EMPATH Energy and AI Dashboard to be Released April 4 2023

Press Release March 25, 2023: A growing number of EMPATH users utilize the ECMS-E1 analyzer with gateway computer to monitor incoming power as well as condition of transformers and/or subs.…