NETA Article on Transformer Testing with Electrical Signature Analysis

NETA Article on Transformer Testing with Electrical Signature Analysis

How Electrical and Current Signature Analysis is used with transformers to look at condition, waveforms, power quality, and condition including loose connections.  Enjoy!  Features the use of the EMPATH and…

MotorDoc Podcast 30 Rules Based vs Physical Model Based Technology and ESA

A discussion of the difference between rules-based IoT, also known as 'expert systems,' and physical models (ML/AI) for condition-based maintenance. Demonstration of both as well as a case study of…

Podcast 26 Evaluation and Comparison of a Wind Turbine Using a Physical and Statistical Model Anomaly Detection and Expert System

Using trended data from an ESA system on a wind turbine (raw data not spectral) develop a quick anomaly detection system in ChatGPT then compare to an expert system analysis.…

Podcast 24 Digital Transformation Positives and Negatives and yes a little more ChatGPT

Following a windpower powertrain meeting at Argonne National Labs with the National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL), OEMs, data scientists, end users, AI/ML/SCADA software designers and engineers, etc. a few things…

MotorDoc Podcast 12 ESA Vibration Energy and Emissions EMPATH Beta Demo

A live exploration of the coming soon version of EMPATH ESA and Vibration data collector and software. Includes the built-in energy and emissions calculators BY DEFECT including harmonic losses. Yep,…
MotorDoc Podcast Episode 7 Unboxing EMPATH with Vibration Analysis System

MotorDoc Podcast Episode 7 Unboxing EMPATH with Vibration Analysis System

Not something we heavily advertised, but needed for a study we are performing at MotorDocAI associated with energy and emissions in reliability and maintenance. Welcome to my first ever online…