Introducing MotorDocAI ECMS Energy Dashboards

Introducing MotorDocAI ECMS Energy Dashboards

The combination of EMPATH ECMS-E1 and ECMS-32 energy and analytics data combined with the power of MotorDocAI artificial intelligence provides a deep dive into your energy consumption and impacts of your energy and emissions efforts. Fully customizable and utilizing a variety of communication protocols data is kept both locally and in the cloud with secure access and customizable individual alarms. Data science information can be accessed by the users for further analysis, but the combination of raw data and heatmaps can allow you to pinpoint events that impact your energy consumption and emissions. This is in addition to the powerful ECMS analytical engineering Electrical Signature Analysis tool.

Additional dashboards for monitoring windpower down to individual gearbox bearings and wye ring degradation/forecasts to commercial/industrial electrical machinery and systems from transformers to the driven loads are available. Prognostics, Time to Failure Estimation (TTFE), forecasting, and the ability to identify granular data to individual defect energy and emission impact (ie: impact of a failing race in a bearing) are included in the dashboards. All utilizing MotorDocAI and EMPATH’s unique hybrid expert and AI systems.

Welcome to the new world of IoT and continuous monitoring.

Demonstration of the Energy and Emissions Monitoring Dashboard