The application of critical thinking is crucial to performing RCFA. This means not using opinion or stopping to shallow, but pursuing the condition to its conclusion, which may be many.…
How Electrical and Current Signature Analysis is used with transformers to look at condition, waveforms, power quality, and condition including loose connections. Enjoy! Features the use of the EMPATH and…
A discussion of the difference between rules-based IoT, also known as 'expert systems,' and physical models (ML/AI) for condition-based maintenance. Demonstration of both as well as a case study of…
By request this is a live demonstration of what nonlinear load harmonics look like in single phase with LED, VFD, laptop, incandescent, and monitoring equipment. Yep, be amazed.
Stirring the pot on the workforce issue including a bit of a rant after a whole discussion on work from home. The discussion led to an interesting discovery in relation…
Using trended data from an ESA system on a wind turbine (raw data not spectral) develop a quick anomaly detection system in ChatGPT then compare to an expert system analysis.…
Following a windpower powertrain meeting at Argonne National Labs with the National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL), OEMs, data scientists, end users, AI/ML/SCADA software designers and engineers, etc. a few things…
The recorded 'Black Friday Offline Motor Testing Hybrid Class' was performed in November the day after Thanksgiving. The class covered theory, standards, and demonstration/discussion of a variety of offline tests…
Using EMPATH electrical signature analysis data discussing exploration of the data using LLM models with ChatGPT 4.0 as the example. 1 hour and 10 minutes. Additional exploration will be performed…
A discussion of the industry, some of my driving music recommendations, vibration and energy, ESA time to collect and resolution, announcements, certified energy managers and Association of Energy Engineers, a…